Pearl O’Callaghan-Hall

Administrator | Chief Chaos Coordinator

About Me

If you ever meet someone claiming they were raised by Kiwis and lions, that might just be me! Born in New  Zealand and seasoned in South Africa for 11 adventurous years with my family,  I've mastered the art of wondering the wilderness and chasing after ostriches  (just kidding, mostly).

Fast forward to today, I’m navigating  the wild savannah of parenthood with my three rambunctious boys and my  husband Jeremy. Together, we’re doing our best to keep up with them. They're  my daily cardio workout, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

When I’m not being a ringmaster at  home, I'm here at GummyBear, bringing that same chaotic energy to spice  things up. And when life gives me a minute to breathe, you'll find me  shopping - because shoes are like friends; there can never be too many and they  always fit!

Watch About Me

Can you make me another cup of tea?

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How I stay updated

What’s your favourite part about working at GummyBear?

I absolutely love the atmosphere at GummyBear. GummyBear is homely, welcoming and creates the most amazing work.

What’s your favourite part about working at GummyBear?

I absolutely love the atmosphere at GummyBear. GummyBear is homely, welcoming and creates the most amazing work.

What challenge(s) have you seen in our industry that you would like to fix?

A large amount of businesses that are not “on-line”

Since all the lockdowns a lot of businesses have become vulnerable and need to be visible on-line. I would love for GummyBear to be able to help some of these vulnerable businesses to be at their best.

What challenge(s) have you seen in our industry that you would like to fix?

A large amount of businesses that are not “on-line”

Since all the lockdowns a lot of businesses have become vulnerable and need to be visible on-line. I would love for GummyBear to be able to help some of these vulnerable businesses to be at their best.

My favourite projects

My favourite projects

Background info

I was born in Dunedin and when I was three my parents bought one way tickets to South Africa, where we lived for 11 years before returning to New Zealand in November 1999.

I finished High School and studied Business Administration at the Otago Polytechnic. I worked in law and ran service stations before working for GummyBear.

What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working?

Playing with my children and relaxing with a chilled glass of wine.

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