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Ness Weir

Junior Designer

LinkedIn icon - GummyBear Digital Marketing Dunedin NZ

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What’s your role at GummyBear?

I get the fun job of making your brand and website look pretty!

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What’s your favourite part about working at GummyBear?

Everyone here is always up for a good bit of banter (even when we should mayybbeee be a little more focused 😉). I also love the level of trust and respect we all have for each other and the designs we create, and our shared desire to grow and innovate as technology evolves.

A ‘normal’ day at work?

Get to work, make some cool stuff, attempt coffee art, make some more cool stuff, head home for dinner.

What challenge(s) have you seen in our industry that you would like to fix?

Corporate minimalism. You’re telling me that we’ve advanced technology to allow for millions of colour options, yet we’re only allowed to use one shade of blue? Not in my books! More than making brands that “look clean and professional and like everyone else”, I want our industry to focus more on producing brands and websites that showcase personality; that showcase you!

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Early bird or night owl?

Now if I said both would you believe me

Hot or cold drinks?

Hot all the way (give me an earl grey or a coffee and you’ll be my new favourite person)

Pineapple on pizza?


Spring, summer, autumn or winter?

Spring! Not too cold, not too hot, beautiful flowers 🥰



Top sheet or no top sheet?

Comforter only gang where y’all at?

What’s your background?

I was born and raised in Ōtautahi Christchurch! I’ve been a graphic designer since I was 15 years old, originally doing wee newspaper adverts and videos for a small company until I finished my design degree in 2022. From there I’ve been fortunate to have a couple of different in-house design jobs, before finally ending up here!


This is my first time living in a different city, so I’m excited to be here! Don’t be shy giving me cool Otago/Southland adventure tips 😉

I was born and raised in Ōtautahi Christchurch! I’ve been a graphic designer since I was 15 years old, originally doing wee newspaper adverts and videos for a small company until I finished my design degree in 2022. From there I’ve been fortunate to have a couple of different in-house design jobs, before finally ending up here!


This is my first time living in a different city, so I’m excited to be here! Don’t be shy giving me cool Otago/Southland adventure tips 😉

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What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working?

I’m a big homebody, so you won’t catch me out and about haha. I love watching YouTube documentaries, playing video games, or watching anime. Typically, I always end up playing around with a new piece of design software or looking up art history like a nerd lol.

I’m proud to be an openly non-binary and queer graphic designer, slay 💅🌈