Imagining The Travel Industry For Zest4Travel




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Client Overview

Zest4Travel is a travel agency based in New Zealand, known for its personalised and expert travel services. With offices in Dunedin and Lincoln, the agency has carved out a niche in designing customised travel experiences that cater to the unique preferences of each traveler.

Project Objective

The travel industry has seen a significant reduction in companies providing travel services over the last few years. Seeing an opportune moment, Zest4Travel imagined how the industry could evolve and developed a system and processes to deliver a superior service.

Zest4Travel is a unique travel website that provides customers with the opportunity to search and book their ideal tours in a simple and efficient way. The website has been designed with customer-centricity in mind, enabling users to search for tours by Experience Type, Destination, and Tour Duration, making it easy for them to find what they are looking for quickly.

Zest4Travel partnered with GummyBear to develop a world-first travel software that provides them with an unrivalled competitive advantage. The Travel Software is designed to pull travel information in real-time from Global Travel Providers via APIs, infuse Zest4Travel's branding, and display the information on their website in a customer-centric format.

Logo Concepts

First impressions matter!

A logo stands as a beacon communicating the identity and ethos of an organisation.

Imagine the most beautiful person in the world standing naked in front of you, you can dress that person in formal ware, and they look stunning, red carpet ready, or you can dress the same person in a sack. You have not changed anything about the person physically, however, your perception of the person changes immediately.

GummyBear focused on a logo design to represent the ‘zest’ in their brand.

Logo Concepts

First impressions matter!

A logo stands as a beacon communicating the identity and ethos of an organisation.

Imagine the most beautiful person in the world standing naked in front of you, you can dress that person in formal ware, and they look stunning, red carpet ready, or you can dress the same person in a sack. You have not changed anything about the person physically, however, your perception of the person changes immediately.

GummyBear focused on a logo design to represent the ‘zest’ in their brand.

Final Logo Design

When you see the logo it gives you the feeling like you’re relaxing on a beach, sipping your cocktail with it’s citrus wedge in it, while the sun goes down on your holiday.

Final Logo Design

When you see the logo it gives you the feeling like you’re relaxing on a beach, sipping your cocktail with it’s citrus wedge in it, while the sun goes down on your holiday.

Custom Iconography

In addition to the logo, Zest4Travel decided they also wanted to create ‘Lemon-Aid’. The Lemon-Aid icon is used for areas on Zest4Travel’s website providing helpful information or tips/fun facts.

GummyBear call him Lemon-Adrian 😜

Custom Iconography

In addition to the logo, Zest4Travel decided they also wanted to create ‘Lemon-Aid’. The Lemon-Aid icon is used for areas on Zest4Travel’s website providing helpful information or tips/fun facts.

GummyBear call him Lemon-Adrian 😜

Brand Guidelines

Don't f*#k up your brand!

Brand guidelines prevent too many cooks in the kitchen destroying your brand identity/organisation.

Brand guidelines (AKA a style guide) act like meticulous maintenance, ensuring that every representation of your brand, from your logo to your messaging, preserves the qualities that your customers love and trust. Just ask Bud Light what happens when brand consistency is neglected - the world’s largest brewer may have lost as much as $1.4 billion in sales because of the backlash to its brief partnership with an influencer. This misstep alienated their most loyal customers and tarnished their reputation.

Brand guidelines OR roll the dice?

Brand Guidelines

Don't f*#k up your brand!

Brand guidelines prevent too many cooks in the kitchen destroying your brand identity/organisation.

Brand guidelines (AKA a style guide) act like meticulous maintenance, ensuring that every representation of your brand, from your logo to your messaging, preserves the qualities that your customers love and trust. Just ask Bud Light what happens when brand consistency is neglected - the world’s largest brewer may have lost as much as $1.4 billion in sales because of the backlash to its brief partnership with an influencer. This misstep alienated their most loyal customers and tarnished their reputation.

Brand guidelines OR roll the dice?


Nobody reads anything anymore!

Showreel videos, with their dynamic and visual nature, command attention and have the unique ability to captivate and immerse viewers into the fabric of an organisation’s story, establishing a connection which lingers long after the screen goes dark.

Zest4Travel's showreel showcases the brand in a fun light, shows exciting travel footage, and walks viewers through how easy it is to book from the website.

To see what all these fancy words mean, hit play below!


Nobody reads anything anymore!

Showreel videos, with their dynamic and visual nature, command attention and have the unique ability to captivate and immerse viewers into the fabric of an organisation’s story, establishing a connection which lingers long after the screen goes dark.

Zest4Travel's showreel showcases the brand in a fun light, shows exciting travel footage, and walks viewers through how easy it is to book from the website.

To see what all these fancy words mean, hit play below!

Website Stylescape Concepts

The art behind the science!

Stylescapes are like mood boards on steroids - a curated mix of images, design elements, typography and colour. Stylescapes makes communicating your idea, of your brand, to GummyBear's designers simple. How else do you communicate that you like red? Well what red? Do you mean maroon, scarlet, rose, ruby, crimson, etc.?

Why bother with stylescapes? Because first impressions matter! They provide the opportunity for every visual element of your brand to resonate with your customers, evoking the right emotions, associations and behaviours. Without them you risk mishaps, like looking like a donkey.

Check out Zest4Travel's three different branding options below - they're the same, but different!

Website Stylescape Concepts

The art behind the science!

Stylescapes are like mood boards on steroids - a curated mix of images, design elements, typography and colour. Stylescapes makes communicating your idea, of your brand, to GummyBear's designers simple. How else do you communicate that you like red? Well what red? Do you mean maroon, scarlet, rose, ruby, crimson, etc.?

Why bother with stylescapes? Because first impressions matter! They provide the opportunity for every visual element of your brand to resonate with your customers, evoking the right emotions, associations and behaviours. Without them you risk mishaps, like looking like a donkey.

Check out Zest4Travel's three different branding options below - they're the same, but different!

Final Website Stylescape

Warning, awesomeness below!

Check out Zest4Travel's final stylescape. Their carefully curated combination of images, design elements, typography and colours to communicate their brands look and feel. We may be biased, but it looks awesome!

What's your opinion of the final stylescape and how the elements go together?

Final Website Stylescape

Warning, awesomeness below!

Check out Zest4Travel's final stylescape. Their carefully curated combination of images, design elements, typography and colours to communicate their brands look and feel. We may be biased, but it looks awesome!

What's your opinion of the final stylescape and how the elements go together?

Website Content & Wireframe

Architectural blueprint of your website!

Think of wireframes as the grey and boring, yet essential, architectural blueprint of your website. GummyBear's high fidelity wireframes (rather than your sketch pad antics), use real content and appropriately scaled images, videos, buttons, etc. providing a precise and practical view of your website's layout. Additionally, functionality drives everything and the wireframe allows GummyBear to plan your website visitors user experience (AKA how they use the website), so they can find the information they're looking for, as fast as possible.

Zest4Travel considers multiple ways to search for a tour - visual by country, by keywords, by experience type (cruise, food & wine, adventure, on the water, etc.), duration, search bar, drop down box, etc.

Not being able to find a tour on Zest4Travel is the equivalent to a person not finding water when they fell out of the boat ;)

Website Content & Wireframe

Architectural blueprint of your website!

Think of wireframes as the grey and boring, yet essential, architectural blueprint of your website. GummyBear's high fidelity wireframes (rather than your sketch pad antics), use real content and appropriately scaled images, videos, buttons, etc. providing a precise and practical view of your website's layout. Additionally, functionality drives everything and the wireframe allows GummyBear to plan your website visitors user experience (AKA how they use the website), so they can find the information they're looking for, as fast as possible.

Zest4Travel considers multiple ways to search for a tour - visual by country, by keywords, by experience type (cruise, food & wine, adventure, on the water, etc.), duration, search bar, drop down box, etc.

Not being able to find a tour on Zest4Travel is the equivalent to a person not finding water when they fell out of the boat ;)

Website Design

Dressed to impress!

Website design is where the real fun begins. Once we've got the blueprint (wireframe) and the creative stylescape sorted, it's time to bring it together and make your site shine.

Why is this so important? Because design is what turns heads and keeps people coming back. It's your brand's personality, charm and charisma all rolled into one. Every colour, font, design element and image is handpicked to make your audience go "Wow!" and keep them engaged.

Think of it like this: your wireframe is the skeleton, the stylescape is the wardrobe, and now we're dressing it up for the big reveal. We're not just building a website; we're crafting an experience that's unforgettable, engaging, and oh-so-you.

Skip this step, and you risk ending up with a digital snooze fest. Nail it, and you've got a showstopper.

Website Design

Dressed to impress!

Website design is where the real fun begins. Once we've got the blueprint (wireframe) and the creative stylescape sorted, it's time to bring it together and make your site shine.

Why is this so important? Because design is what turns heads and keeps people coming back. It's your brand's personality, charm and charisma all rolled into one. Every colour, font, design element and image is handpicked to make your audience go "Wow!" and keep them engaged.

Think of it like this: your wireframe is the skeleton, the stylescape is the wardrobe, and now we're dressing it up for the big reveal. We're not just building a website; we're crafting an experience that's unforgettable, engaging, and oh-so-you.

Skip this step, and you risk ending up with a digital snooze fest. Nail it, and you've got a showstopper.

Website Development

It's alive!

Website development is where the behind-the-scenes wizardry gives life to your website design. This is where you get to sit back, fasten your seat belts, put your tray tables in the upright position, and relax as our team of coders/developers work their magic - AKA a bunch of coding that's really boring to look at before the website's finished.

When we're done, you'll have a stunning, polished website that's ready to turn heads and steal the show. It's not just a pretty face, it's an interactive, engaging experience that makes people want to stick around and get to know you.

Website Development

It's alive!

Website development is where the behind-the-scenes wizardry gives life to your website design. This is where you get to sit back, fasten your seat belts, put your tray tables in the upright position, and relax as our team of coders/developers work their magic - AKA a bunch of coding that's really boring to look at before the website's finished.

When we're done, you'll have a stunning, polished website that's ready to turn heads and steal the show. It's not just a pretty face, it's an interactive, engaging experience that makes people want to stick around and get to know you.

Software System

Your secret sauce!

Say goodbye too cookie-cutter solutions and say hello to your competitive advantage.

Off-the-shelf software (AKA the ugly turkeys that walk around in circles squawking) might get you 70-80% of the way there, and then you're stuck patching the gaps with duct tape and prayers. GummyBear's bespoke software does all the heavy lifting, so you can focus on what you do best - running your business and looking good doing it.

Ever wondered why some businesses seem to have it all together? Spoiler alert, it's not magic - it's custom software. While your competitors are busy wrestling with generic tools (AKA the ugly turkeys), you'll be cruising ahead with a system built specifically for you. It's like having a secret weapon that works 24/7, making you look good and keeping everything running smoothly.

Zest4Travel's world-first software.

Software explanation - GummyBear’s Travel Software automatically pulls travel information from Global Travel Providers via APIs through a virtual machine, infuses Zest4Travel’s branding, and displays the information in a customer-centric format on Zest4Travel’s website. Simply put:

Zest4Travel Branding:

Information pulled via APIs through GummyBear’s Travel Software allows Zest4Travel’s branding to be infused during the information’s reconstruction phase and displayed in a customer-centric format on Zest4Travel’s website. Simply put – regardless of the information source, type, or software language, all information is reconstructed and displayed in accordance with Zest4Travel’s brand.


GummyBear’s Travel Software is adaptable, allowing the inclusion of specialised functions (small pieces of code designed to perAll travel information (tours, events, etc.) available via APIs will automatically and instantly be available to Zest4Travel customers via Zest4Travel’s website – this process is fully automated (does not require human input). Every other process in the world currently requires human interaction. Via software ‘rules’, Zest4Travel can determine service offerings – for example, Zest4Travel can decide not to offer or display tours for specific regions, such as Russia.form specific tasks) related to a website’s specific needs. For example, Zest4Travel’s customer journey requires website visitors to submit an enquiry. However, Zest4Travel could allow e-commerce functionalities at a later date, whereby customers directly purchase tours (or a certain selection of tours) from Zest4Travel’s website.

Functionality Extensions & Adaptability:

GummyBear’s Travel Software is adaptable, allowing the inclusion of specialised functions (small pieces of code designed to perform specific tasks) related to a website’s specific needs. For example, Zest4Travel’s customer journey requires website visitors to submit an enquiry. However, Zest4Travel could allow e-commerce functionalities at a later date, whereby customers directly purchase tours (or a certain selection of tours) from Zest4Travel’s website.


GummyBear’s Travel Software is scalable and designed to produce lightning-quick search queries for website visitors and customers irrespective of the number of APIs incorporated into Zest4Travel’s website. Refer below to the Travel Software Overview diagram.

Software System

Your secret sauce!

Say goodbye too cookie-cutter solutions and say hello to your competitive advantage.

Off-the-shelf software (AKA the ugly turkeys that walk around in circles squawking) might get you 70-80% of the way there, and then you're stuck patching the gaps with duct tape and prayers. GummyBear's bespoke software does all the heavy lifting, so you can focus on what you do best - running your business and looking good doing it.

Ever wondered why some businesses seem to have it all together? Spoiler alert, it's not magic - it's custom software. While your competitors are busy wrestling with generic tools (AKA the ugly turkeys), you'll be cruising ahead with a system built specifically for you. It's like having a secret weapon that works 24/7, making you look good and keeping everything running smoothly.

Zest4Travel's world-first software.

Software explanation - GummyBear’s Travel Software automatically pulls travel information from Global Travel Providers via APIs through a virtual machine, infuses Zest4Travel’s branding, and displays the information in a customer-centric format on Zest4Travel’s website. Simply put:

Zest4Travel Branding:

Information pulled via APIs through GummyBear’s Travel Software allows Zest4Travel’s branding to be infused during the information’s reconstruction phase and displayed in a customer-centric format on Zest4Travel’s website. Simply put – regardless of the information source, type, or software language, all information is reconstructed and displayed in accordance with Zest4Travel’s brand.


GummyBear’s Travel Software is adaptable, allowing the inclusion of specialised functions (small pieces of code designed to perAll travel information (tours, events, etc.) available via APIs will automatically and instantly be available to Zest4Travel customers via Zest4Travel’s website – this process is fully automated (does not require human input). Every other process in the world currently requires human interaction. Via software ‘rules’, Zest4Travel can determine service offerings – for example, Zest4Travel can decide not to offer or display tours for specific regions, such as Russia.form specific tasks) related to a website’s specific needs. For example, Zest4Travel’s customer journey requires website visitors to submit an enquiry. However, Zest4Travel could allow e-commerce functionalities at a later date, whereby customers directly purchase tours (or a certain selection of tours) from Zest4Travel’s website.

Functionality Extensions & Adaptability:

GummyBear’s Travel Software is adaptable, allowing the inclusion of specialised functions (small pieces of code designed to perform specific tasks) related to a website’s specific needs. For example, Zest4Travel’s customer journey requires website visitors to submit an enquiry. However, Zest4Travel could allow e-commerce functionalities at a later date, whereby customers directly purchase tours (or a certain selection of tours) from Zest4Travel’s website.


GummyBear’s Travel Software is scalable and designed to produce lightning-quick search queries for website visitors and customers irrespective of the number of APIs incorporated into Zest4Travel’s website. Refer below to the Travel Software Overview diagram.

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Awards & Achievements


Excellence In Technology (Business South Awards)

GummyBear in collaboration with Zest4Travel were nominated for the 2022 Excellence In Technology award for the software behind Zest4Travel’s website.


Innovation Finalist (Business South Awards)

GummyBear in collaboration with Zest4Travel were nominated for the 2022 Innovation award for the software behind Zest4Travel’s website.

Phone screen

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