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GummyBear's SEO Process

Gummybear's Social Media Foundations

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Ongoing Social Media Packages:


Maintain Social Media Presence

Organic Posts


Organic Posts Per Month

Paid Advertising Posts


Targeted Advertising Campaigns


Analysis (Every 12 Weeks)


Social Media Growth + Advertisements

Organic Posts


Organic Posts Per Month

Paid Advertising Posts


Targeted Advertising Campaigns


Analysis (Every 12 Weeks)

Full Throttle

Growth + Advertisements on Steroids

Organic Posts


Organic Posts Per Month

Paid Advertising Posts


Targeted Advertising Campaigns


Analysis (Every 12 Weeks)

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SEO Services Frequently Asked Questions

What types of ongoing SEO management services do you offer?

At GummyBear, we use advanced software to assess the 7 fundamental aspects of your website's SEO performance:

  1. trust
  2. relevance
  3. reputation
  4. longevity
  5. identity
  6. consistency
  7. engagement

GummyBear use this data to compare your website's performance to your competitors', allowing us to identify areas where you're already strong and those that could use improvement.Based on this detailed analysis, we then tailor a unique SEO management solution for you. GummyBear’s partnership with the SEO specialist company, Mad Scientists, allows us to offer comprehensive on-page (Keyword Optimisation, Content Creation, Meta Descriptions and Title Tags, etc.) and off-page SEO solutions (Backlink Building, Social Media Marketing, Local SEO and Directories, Content Marketing, etc.).

This combined approach ensures that your website is optimised for search engines and is relevant and appealing to your audience.

It's important to note that our services are bespoke and scalable. GummyBear is not about applying one-size-fits-all solutions or insisting on extensive, expensive overhauls when they're not needed. GummyBear focus on delivering the right solutions to beat your competitors, whether that involves making small but effective tweaks or implementing more substantial changes.With GummyBear, you get ongoing SEO management services that are flexible, personalised, and designed to deliver real, competitive results without unnecessary costs.

Based on past projects, what is the typical timeline for clients to start seeing results from an SEO campaign?

The timeframe to see results from an SEO campaign with GummyBear depends on what aspect of SEO GummyBear is working on.

Your website’s SEO is affected by 7 fundamental aspects:

  1. trust
  2. relevance
  3. reputation
  4. longevity
  5. identity
  6. consistency
  7. engagement

If Gummybear is assisting you improve your online reputation by getting more reviews on platforms like Google or Facebook, you might start seeing a positive impact in just a few weeks.

However, if GummyBear are focusing on strategies to build trust with search engines (which includes activities like getting other reputable websites to link back to your site), it might take around three months before you start seeing significant results.Please remember, SEO isn't an overnight process. It's like planting a seed and watching it grow - it takes time, but it's worth it in the end. GummyBear constantly monitor progress and adjust our strategies to make sure we're always moving towards your goals.

Optimise your operations with software solutions!

Optimise Your Operations with Software Solutions!

Explore the possibilities of tailored software that fits your unique needs. Let’s enhance your digital capabilities seamlessly.

Transform your online presence today!

Transform Your Online Presence Today!

A website is the cornerstone of your online success, providing a dynamic platform to showcase your uniqueness and engage with your audience effectively.

Don’t just exist online—thrive, captivate, and leave a lasting impression with a website tailored to your brand’s story.

Photo of Darren Jennings
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