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Facepalm icon - NZ's best Digital marketing agency - GummyBear New Zealand - Marketing Agency Dunedin

A website only a mother could love

Face icon - GummyBear Digital Marketing New Zealand - NZ Marketing Agency Dunedin - Get your website performance report here from GummyBear Digital

A nice personality

OK icon - Marketing Agency Dunedin - GummyBear Digital Marketing New Zealand and Australia - website performance report - learn about how your website is doing

Participation award

Person icon - Marketing Agency Dunedin - GummyBear Digital Marketing New Zealand - website performance review - how is your website performing?

Something you can write home about

Party icon - Marketing Agency Dunedin - GummyBear Digital Marketing New Zealand - how is your website performing online? Get your website performance report here!

OK you win

Get Your Full Website Performance Report

Do you want to know how to perform better than your competitors?
AKA destroy your competition.

The full Website Performance Report costs $57 (incl. GST) and will be available within 7-10 days (the software just has to do its thing first).

Do you have performance issues?

Performance matters - including online

Everyone knows performance matters.

The first step to performing well, in any aspect in life, is to understand the playing field and identify how you can stack the deck in your favour. Google is on a mission to provide their customer with the most trusted, relevant, reputable, up-to-date, and enjoyable online experience. This is achieved through their algorithms which measure over 600 constantly changing data points.

How do you measure up? Is your performance worth measuring?

Website Performance Report - how well is your website performing online? GummyBear Digital Marketing Dunedin, New Zealand

What are the website performance elements?



Google only trusts you if others trust you

Do people visit your website?

Do people stay on your website?

Does your website have backlinks? Do you know what backlinks are?

Does your website have a privacy policy?

If you answered ‘No’ or ‘I don’t know’ to any of the above, it is most likely your website is a salmon - a fish working hard to swim up-river only to be eaten by a bear.



Do the words within your website reflect what people are searching?

Relevance is all about keywords - the words and phrases people enter into search engines to find what they are looking for (i.e., it’s a good idea to have them in your website copywriting).

Do you know if your website includes words and phrases that people utilise to find organisations within your industry? (i.e., ‘Painter Dunedin’ for searching for a painter in Dunedin).



Is your website a sack?

Imagine your website is a person.

There are two options in front of you: Option 1: one stunning individual is looking hot wearing the latest fashion, hair and makeup is all done (website is optimised). Option 2: the same person made no effort by wearing a sack (website not optimised).

The individual has not changed, however, how others (website visitors) perceive said individual is very different.

Do you know if your website loads fast and looks good? Or is your website a sack?



Is your website fresh or stale?

Do you have new content coming out on your website? Have you made your life easier by embedding your social media, such as Instagram, on your website?

Search algorithms are geared towards putting the most recent, trustworthy and relevant information in front of the searcher.

Is your website equivalent to the memorial statue everyone walks past but doesn’t know the name of?



Does your website generate an outcome?

Do your customers purchase, book an appointment, download, or contact you through your online presence? If not, why do you have a website?

Did your website visitor engage your services, or did they engage someone else?

Do you even know?



Do people care if your organisation exists?

The more positive and numerous reviews conveying an online reputation, has significant search engine advantages. Simply put, the more people saying good things about your organisation online, the more advantageous your search engine results will be, thereby, increasing your website audience. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.

However, if you have negative reviews, or you put no effort into your online reputation, then search engines put no effort into you.

What’s your online reputation?



Is your website old?

How long has your website been around?

1 day?

3 days

Is it a dinosaur?

In this case, being a dinosaur is a good thing! The longer your website domain has been active online, the better.

Learn about the website performance report and how to get your full report.

Want to learn more about how to improve your website?

We can also give you a full breakdown of how you stack up against your competitors!

Get your full website report here

Join these people who now have awesome websites